Kamis, 21 Juli 2016

I just can't stop thinking about it.

"Perkataan mulut orang adalah seperti air yang dalam, tetapi sumber hikmat adalah seperti barang air yang mengalir."
Amsal 18:4
• Setiap kata yang keluar dari mulut, mencerminkan orang tersebut.

perkataan orang tidak pernah akan dikupakan karna sudah keluar dari mulut kita, yang menyebabkan kekecewaan atau kebahagiaan. Sebelum mengatai orang lain, lihatlah dirimu sendiri, berkaca sendiri, apakah anda atau aku sudah sempurna?

Tidak ada yang sempurna. Adanya progres dan kehidupan yang bertambah tua.

If you don't like someone don't be rude. Because that might be you. This is for You know whoever you are.

Stop making my life soo hard. A lot of things you can say and do with the positive way. Don't be like a pussy.


Senin, 18 Juli 2016

Good morning

"He can communicate to us in any way He wants to anytime He wants to." Early morning with the sun shines, cold ac, light from the sun and bed feels like I'm at the hotel.

This would be my perfect morning if I eat breakfast or make some but I still figuring out, what food to eat and how. So, for you out there be thankful.

This is just my random post and myabe I will start bloging again. The right way and have purpose on it not just telling story or "curhat".

I hope people, my friends and family can learn something from my post.
